Conquering Chemical Dependency: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Process


Conquering Chemical Dependency: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Process can help you experience hope and healing from the isolation, anxiety, fear, and shame that accompanies chemical dependency.

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Conquering Chemical Dependency: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Process can help you experience hope and healing from the isolation, anxiety, fear, and shame that accompanies chemical dependency.

Here’s a resource that will help explain the causes and effects of addiction to chemical substances, while applying biblical truths to help bring about a profound and lasting change in your life.

Conquering Chemical Dependency: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Process is a biblically based, clinically tested, proven program that provides the significant help an addicted person needs to make a complete recovery from chemical addiction.

It offers hope and healing as it examines:

Conquering Chemical Dependency is an in-depth, 12-unit course designed for a combination of individual and small support-group sessions.

Robert S McGee is founder of Rapha and author of The Search For Significance, which has sold 3 million copies. He has been a pastor for over twenty-five years and has led and participated in 12-step groups.

Pat Springle was senior vice president of Rapha Resources, and a manager for inpatient psychiatric care and substance-abuse treatment. In this capacity, he used a distinctively Christian perspective to treat patients in hospitals nationwide. He also served on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ for eighteen years.

Conquering Chemical Dependency: A Christ-Centered 12-Step Process Facilitator’s Guide Provides administrative guidance and suggested activities for support-group study.


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