With The Search for Freedom you will learn how to destroy strongholds and take back control of your thoughts. Plus the reader will discover how childhood patterns interfere with emotions and relationships. This process is instrumental in gaining freedom to follow Christ.
Almost everyone I talk to expresses a strong desire for a greater sense of freedom in life. I believe God is responsible for that desire and he lets us know such freedom is possible. Jesus himself promised, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn 8:32)
Yet look around. Do you know many people who say they feel truly free? I don’t. Most of us are on a search for freedom. We believe that freedom is a reasonable and achievable goal, yet we never quite seem to accomplish it. We often go through our entire lives in bondage to one thing or another in an ever-elusive quest to break free. Some give up the search after a while. Others of us try to convince ourselves that we are free when we actually aren’t. But, if we conduct a search for freedom on our own – without God’s help – we will accomplish the opposite of what we hope to achieve…